

Mechanismo, H. Harrison
Reed Books, New Hampshire, 1978
118pp, b/w & full color illustrations throughout

Mechanismo explores emerging technologies of the day and how humanity will interact with them. Harry Harrison serves up a lively, sometimes irreverent, narrative of several technology studies: starships, mechanical man, weapons and space gear, space cities, fantastic machines and movies. Ample artwork and photos are paired with detailed, imaginative captions. Most of the art is in color and includes many familiar artists from the TTA stable. Descriptions of popular sci-fi movies are also included, notably Star Wars (along with some well-known Ralph McQuarrie concept paintings).

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  1. Patricia Cross March 31, 2017


    I have been looking for this book. I used to have it in my teens, found it at a yard sale. Same guy was selling a huge stack of Heavy Metal magazines. In Vancouver BC.

    I recently found a few TTA books at Value Village and it made me want to start collecting these style of books so I started looking for a copy of this book again.

    But I am a little confused.

    The cover matches my memory; but the contents shown here do not. I remember a few of the images here; but most I do not remember at all. In fact I am positive my copy had no Star Wars concept art in it at all.

    I wonder if there is a printing of this book without the Star Wars stuff? Or another book that used the same cover art?

    I was starting to wonder if maybe the guy I bought it off of had put the wrong dust jacket on it; but I am not finding another book to match it internally.

    Any feedback would be appreciated.

  2. admin April 5, 2017

    Hi Patricia…my only thought is there may be different versions of the books published to satisfy copyrights demands for some of the art. That might explain why the heavily licensed Star Wars images may not be available in all versions of the book, assuming there are different versions. My edition doesn’t have a dust jacket, just the full color card cover. Wish I had a better answer, but this is all I an think of to explain any differences. Happy collecting!

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