Galactic Aliens

Galactic Aliens, Official Handbook, Alan Frank
Sackett Publicare Ltd, 1979
94 pp, full color illustrations throughout

This book holds a great nostalgia for me. I purchased it *new* with some birthday money from a long-shuttered Walden Books local in my local shopping mall. Apart from pride of (sort of) self-financed ownership, end-to-end full color illustrations, great vintage sci-fi graphics and compelling, pseudo-scientific text make this title a keeper. detailed schematics on size, taxonomy, and innate abilities add an engrossing level of authority to this catalog.
A bewildering range of 43(!) different alien species are surveyed with handsomely printed full color illustrations. My only critique is that each illustration doesn’t have   the artist individually attributed. Still, a fine title and many artists’ styles will be familiar to readers of this era.

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  1. […] Books similar to the TTA books, such as Alan Frank’s Galactic Aliens […]

  2. Nick March 17, 2017

    I rememebr reading this book in my local library. Seeing the cover, it insantly returned to memory. One thing I remembered in the in-book universe is that the information was collected, translated and published from an alien artifact. So none of the alien descriptions in the book were from a human point of view, including their assessment of “the human”.

  3. admin March 19, 2017

    Hi Nick…thanks for stopping by. Indeed, the entry on the “underdeveloped” human species is one of the best-written and entertaining features of the book! Galactic Aliens remains one of my favorite books and always bring backs fond memories.

  4. Andrei March 27, 2017

    This is mindblowing – I had forgotten about this book for at least 30 years, yet I instantly recognized it like an old friend after seeing the cover! What an amazing rediscovery, thanks!

  5. Andrei March 27, 2017

    Forgot to mention, I have Tour Of the Universe and it’s a prize possession, yet I’d completely forgotten about owning another TTA book. It only recently occurred to me to search the internet for similar books.

  6. admin March 29, 2017

    Thanks for the note Andrei and I’m pleased you remember this book as well as I do! To this day, I still enjoy thumbing through the pages.

  7. Jason October 22, 2017

    Man I remember this book well, even after almost 30 years ago. Every morning before my classes started as a kid in middle school I’d flip through it. Great memories.

  8. admin October 26, 2017

    Thanks for sharing Jason…after three decades, it’s still a pretty sweet read!

  9. Reuben June 7, 2021

    Thank you for documenting this book, I lost my copy I had when I was a kid. While the cover art was something I could very clearly describe, I couldn’t at all remember the name of the book. Now I’ve rediscovered it thanks to this site. Pure nostalgia hit.

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